$Id: ipfw-graph-changes.txt,v 1.3 2001/11/23 04:26:22 mavetju Exp $ v1.4 - Jose Manuel Megias Sanchez reported a problem when using ipfw-graph with dynamic rules. - Made /usr/local a little more configurable. - Changed some lines in the Makefile to decrease the amount of patch-files for the FreeBSD ports collection. v1.3 - Fixed problem where the notebook wouldn't work the moment you had choosen all the notebook-tabs once. v1.2 (never release, although tagged in CVS) - Moved different viewpoints into a notebook. - Added man-pages - Added proper working install-script v1.1 - Added statistic counter at the bottom with current and max bandwidth usage. - Made size of data and visual part independent - Made draw functions variable - Pulled the huge monolith apart into small logical parts v1.0 - Initial release