Posted on 2005-04-19 22:34:41, modified on 2006-01-09 16:29:23
Tags: Networking, Rant, Spam
I was doing some network traces yesterday, and found these in my logs. Destination host is a Cisco 2821.
After spam via email, spam via instant messaging and spam via voice-over-ip, the next big thing is.... spam via the MS-RPC protocol! Check the following network traces:
U -> ..(.......................{Z........O...,....."'..m...-.....................................SECURITY....................ALERT.......................Microsoft Windows has encounted an Internal Error Your windows registry is corrupted. Microsoft recommends an immediate system scan. visit to repair. . # U -> ..(.......................{Z........O.....P.|../.E..n..,..................i.................SECURITY....................ALERT...........%.......%...SECURITY ALERT : Windows has detected 10 Spyware programs installed on your computer! Spyware causes pop up messages , tracks your online activities and displays advertisements. Your Anti-Virus and Firewall will not remove Spyware. Visit: for free removal information! .
Bunch of sad-sad-sad persons....
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