MavEtJu's Distorted View of the World - Alcatel

Alcatel Premium VoIP phone and the ISC dhcpd 3.0.3
Alcatel Voice over IP phones and ISC DHCP

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Alcatel Premium VoIP phone and the ISC dhcpd 3.0.3

Posted on 2005-08-19 10:59:03, modified on 2006-01-09 16:29:23
Tags: Voice over IP, DHCP, Alcatel

My Alcatel Premium e-reflexes voice-over-IP phone (best VoIP phone I've encountered, besides the fact that it is a non-SIP non-open protocol device) suddenly stopped worked after an upgrade from the ISC dhcpd 3.0.1r14 (yes yes) to version 3.0.3. The error was (very descriptive): Error 2.02

The cause was this change in the ISC DHCP server:

The siaddr field was being improperly set to the server-identifier when responding to DHCP messages. RFC2131 clarified the siaddr field as meaning the 'next server in the bootstrap process', eg a tftp server. The siaddr field is now left zeroed unless next-server is configured.

And according to the output of dhcpdump(1), that was indeed the case:

  TIME: 10:30:13.000930               |   TIME: 10:32:31.001894
    IP: (00:50:8b:b9:2       IP: (00:50:8b:b9:2
    OP: 2 (BOOTPREPLY)                      OP: 2 (BOOTPREPLY)
 HTYPE: 1 (Ethernet)                     HTYPE: 1 (Ethernet)
  HLEN: 6                                 HLEN: 6
  HOPS: 0                                 HOPS: 0
   XID: 7db4fce1                           XID: 7db4fce1
  SECS: 0                                 SECS: 0
 FLAGS: 0                                FLAGS: 0
CIADDR:                         CIADDR:
YIADDR:                   YIADDR:
SIADDR:                   | SIADDR:
GIADDR:                         GIADDR:
CHADDR: 00:80:9f:54:50:a3:00:00:00:00   CHADDR: 00:80:9f:54:50:a3:00:00:00:00
 SNAME: .                                SNAME: .
 FNAME: .                                FNAME: .
OPTION:  53 (  1) DHCP message type     OPTION:  53 (  1) DHCP message type  
OPTION:  54 (  4) Server identifier     OPTION:  54 (  4) Server identifier  
OPTION:  51 (  4) IP address leasetim   OPTION:  51 (  4) IP address leasetim
OPTION:   1 (  4) Subnet mask           OPTION:   1 (  4) Subnet mask        
OPTION:   3 (  4) Routers               OPTION:   3 (  4) Routers            
OPTION:  43 ( 15) Vendor specific inf   OPTION:  43 ( 15) Vendor specific inf
OPTION:  58 (  4) T1                    OPTION:  58 (  4) T1                 
OPTION:  59 (  4) T2                    OPTION:  59 (  4) T2                 
OPTION:  66 ( 13) TFTP server name      OPTION:  66 ( 13) TFTP server name   
OPTION:  67 (  9) Bootfile name         OPTION:  67 (  9) Bootfile name      

My dhcpd entry for these phones now looks like:

class "ipphone" {
        match if option vendor-class-identifier = "alcatel.tsc-ip.0";
        option dhcp-parameter-request-list 1,3,28,43,54,58,59,60,66,67;
        option vendor-encapsulated-options "alcatel.a4400.0";
        option tftp-server-name "";
        option bootfile-name "ST_JAMES";

and every phone here is happy again!

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Alcatel Voice over IP phones and ISC DHCP

Posted on 2003-11-20 18:58:47, modified on 2006-01-09 16:29:21
Tags: Voice over IP, DHCP, Alcatel

How to configure the ISC DHCP server to serve the Alcatel Voice over IP phones.

At BarNet, we are testing Voice over IP phones from Alcatel. C., The company which helps us with it isn't really up to date with their IP network skills. With the result that I had to spent the last days with trying to find out how to configure the ISC DHCP server properly for these phones. Fortunatly that I got some Alcatel OmniPCX 4400 manuals via a friend which described exactly what I needed to configure.

Please take note that...

So here is the config for the ISC DHCP:

class "ipphone" {
  match if option vendor-class-identifier = "alcatel.tsc-ip.0";
  option dhcp-parameter-request-list 1,3,28,43,54,58,59,60,66,67;
  option vendor-encapsulated-options "alcatel.a4400.0";
  option tftp-server-name "";
  option bootfile-name "ST_JAMES";

That's a little bit shorter than the two pages of "click here, tick this button" for the Windows DHCP servers, isn't it?

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