MavEtJu's Distorted View of the World - DHCPDUMP

DHCPDUMP 1.8 released
DHCPDUMP 1.6 released

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DHCPDUMP 1.8 released

Posted on 2008-06-24 13:00:00

When I wrote DHCPDUMP first, I was lucky because the output of tcpdump, which is used an input for DHCPDUMP, was very consistent. Over the years this has changes a little bit. A lot little bits.

Therefor I present to you: DHCPDUMP version 1.8, now using libpcap as input instead of the output of tcpdump.

You can find it at

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DHCPDUMP 1.6 released

Posted on 2003-11-21 23:47:26, modified on 2006-01-09 16:29:20
Tags: Coding, Networking, DHCP, DHCPDUMP

DHCPDUMP version 1.6 is released.

Fixed are:
- display of pad options
Added are:
- display of option 83 (and others)
- flushing of stdout after printing one packet.

Available via

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