MavEtJu's Distorted View of the World - Lost memories

Christmas in the summer
The white dot on the television
Degausing CRT based monitors

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Christmas in the summer

Posted on 2008-11-27 18:00:00
Tags: Xmas, Lost memories, Happiness

This year it will for me be the eight time the Christmas celibrations will fall in the middle of summer. And still I am not used to it.

For me, Christmas is the celibration of light in the darkness. In the Netherlands, it's twilight around 09:00 and 16:00 during these periods of time. Having a tree with lights in the room and candles in the house, it gives you the feeling that the worst part of the winter is over and from now on it will only get lighter. In reality it won't be the case, because "Als de dagen lengen dan gaat de winter strengen" (When the days are getting longer, the winter will be stronger), so the worst part is still ahead of it, but at least the horrible darkness is over.

When cycling back home from work, or walking outside in the evening, and you look inside all the houses you pass and see the christmas trees with their white lights and the candles on the window ceils and tables, it gives you a feeling of hapiness inside your heart. Having to watch the the multi-colour flashing monstrosities on houses and in gardens, which only purpose is to compete for attention with the neighbouring area, that just makes me sad: Christmas is a time for looking inside yourself, pondering what you did last year and how you did it last year, not a time of showing off.

For me, Christmas is being together with the family. Now that I have a family of my own, the absence of my parents, brother and sister will hopefully be less of an issue (hopefully), but I would love to celibrate just one more Christmas lunch with them.

This year Christmas eve will be celibrated at Naomis aunt place in Heathcote. Heathcote has the advantage of being outside from Sydney, so on the way back there will be a couple of kilometers of road where it will be dark. And when we are on the highest point of the road, in the distance you can see the twinkling lights of the houses in the greater Sydney area. And hopefully it will give me that happy feeling inside again.

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The white dot on the television

Posted on 2007-09-04 22:45:00
Tags: Lost memories

And the previous article reminded me on an old television I saw this weekend. When you turned of an non-digital television, the leftover electrons in the electron beam gave a nice bright white spot in the middle of the screen.

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Degausing CRT based monitors

Posted on 2007-09-04 22:00:00
Tags: Lost memories

Today I heard a sound I hadn't heard for a long time: The *KATSJONK* when you turn on a CRT based monitor. It reminded me of the degause button on the huge 21" monitors I once had at work.

The auto-adjust button on my LCD monitor doesn't really give me the same adrealine rush...

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